A week of cycling
A week of cycling opportunities in Jönköping, Sweden. Come and get the best out of your cycling trip.
During some time the Swedish Cycling Federation has looked and locating their office outside Stockholm. With its mid point placement, good communications and with string cycling clubs Jönköping has been identified as an potential option for Swedish cycling. A letter of intent has been written with Jönköping Municipally.
Both parties agree on moving forward with plans how to set up the office of the federation in Jönköping and work to have a national school (high school) for cycling and it´s seven disciplines.
– With Jönköpings unique geographical position it gives almost perfect conditions for cycling and the municipally has in a short time made an impact on the cycling map of Sweden, says Patrik Olderius, CEO of Destination Jönköping.
A week of cycling opportunities in Jönköping, Sweden. Come and get the best out of your cycling trip.
Kaffe + cykel = kärlek. Kaffikartan myntades för många år sedan, vi tog tag och gjorde en remake.
The top 5 views when going cycling in Jönköping, Sweden